FedEx Shipping Auditor And More...
We link directly to your weekly FedEx Invoice Data for processing through our Network to recover any incorrect charges or errors found within your carrier invoicing. All incorrect adjustments found are submitted through an automated system in place with FedEx or through our Audit Team with our own FedEx Corporate Contacts for direct credit to the invoice in question with FedEx. Complete visibility to FedEx Invoices, Savings Realized through our Audit, and various Reporting is available through our Web Portal.
FedEx is comprised of independently owned network of companies such as FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, and FedEx Freight while providing a single location for invoicing and support under the FedEx umbrella. This results in increased errors and incorrect charges through our Audit process. Having a FedEx Audit will reduce your shipping costs and save you valuable time from combing through each invoice, package shipped, and accessorial charge while insuring your negotiated rates, incentives, and discounts are being applied.
Experience with FedEx Audit
We have former carrier employees within our staff that have worked in various departments. This gives us insight into their Billing Practices along with Negotiation Techniques in order to provide you with a best in class Auditing Solution and Contract Negotiation Solution. We have our own agreements, systems, and NDA's in place with the carriers that enable us to work with our clients to recover incorrect errors and charges found within invoicing through our automated network, audit team, and our own carrier contacts at the corporate level. We have years of experience working with shipping carriers not only through our Auditing Solution, but also through the knowledge and experience brought to Ship Watchers by our staff.

Network Highlights
- Automated Processing of Adjustments
- No Human Error
- Transportation Analytics / Benchmark Studies
- Algorithms - Learns Your Shipping
- Outside Resource and Government Tables
- Pricing Highlights and Comparisons
- Fast and Efficient Processing
- Adjustment History Stored
- Combined Client Adjustment History
- Multiple NODES - Various Locations
- Daily Updates for Carrier Changes
- Lower Fee to Clients due to Automation
Ship Watchers ?? 2025
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